What we did today

With the concerns around COVID-19 some people are self-isolating and otherwise taking measures to avoid contact with illness including choosing not to attend school. On her Friday, March 13th update, Dr. Deena Hinshaw reiterated that Alberta is taking aggressive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that she is not recommending schools to close.

Indeed, preventative measures have increased, and you can find out about those measures here https://www.brsd.ab.ca/our-division/news/post/brsd-is-implementing-extra-health-precautions

This will be a daily hub of what we have completed in my classes in the event you take precautions including self-isolation. New updates will be at the top.


Social 3 – we completed sentences about the food the people of India eat and discussed the Hindu religion’s avoidance of beef. We also repeated ideas about the caste system.

PE5 – we snowshoed in the community.

Social 9 – we continued our exploration of Chapter 6 by further comparing/contrasting market and planned economies.

Social 20 – students had their final class period to complete their Global Issues presentations. Presentations are scheduled for Monday.

Social 5 – students completed their research task on the impact (environmental, human) of the Black Friday Edmonton Tornado.

Jr Sports Performance – students worked on their Indigenous/World Games presentation. Students will be presenting the rules, culture/history, of their game next week and we will begin playing those soon.