In your continued learning about the Charter, today you’ll examine minority language rights, and complete the foll…
Social 9
Social 9: Charter Intro
Social 9: Extended Response Justice System
What role do Canadian citizens, organizations, and structures, play in creating a fair and equitable justice system for…
Soc 9: The Teenage Brain
In class we watched a video from The Nature of Things. Your questions: What is special and really unique about the teena…
Social 9: How a bill becomes law
Please complete the following multi-step task.…
Social 9: Google Meet commences at 12:30
Punch in the code mack while logged in to your BRSD Meet. I’ll be on the Meet before then to answer questions.…
Social 10: Google Meet lesson commences at 10:20
Punch in the code mack while logged in to your BRSD Meet. I’ll be on the Meet before then to support your work on …
Social 9: Cabinet Picks
Complete the following task. Note that you’ll want to Open As……
Social 9: Factors that shape consumerism
Hello Social 9! Today we’re going to be looking at how you as consumers are shaped and molded. We also have a coup…
Social 9: Advertising Techniques 1
Watch today’s video lesson: Dove video: L…