As we enter our final unit, we need to define our terms. Key Terms RI3 We also need to understand the base motivations o…
Social 9: Storyboard
Your advertisement must demonstrate good principles of design and be storyboarded before you produce it. Here’s a …
Social 5: Evaluating Natural Disasters
Canada has experienced a large number of natural and human caused disasters! In this web quest you will have the opportu…
Social 20: Once Brothers and Yugoslavia
The documentary we watched last week: Relevant information on it and your assignment: OnceBrothersYugoslaviaTimelineAssi…
Sr Boys Basketball: OLMP Draw
Our OLMP tournament is THIS WEEKEND. It is parent drivers leaving Bashaw School at 3:45 on Friday. The draw is posted be…
Social 9: Determining Effectiveness of Political Advertisements
As a class we are looking at political advertisements from the 2015 Federal Election. You can find many of the ads here.…
Social 5: Halifax Explosion
In Social 5 we have been discussing natural (and other) disasters in Canada’s history, including: The Saguenay Flo…
Social 9: Political Parties Assignment
Attached is your political parties assignment. Your groups have been pre-made. PoliticalPartyAssign Rubric will be used …
Math 2: War Addition
As Mr Brandt and I are working on addition skills, one game you can play at home is the game WAR. In class, the first te…
ELA: Great Canadian Mail Race
Ahead of the Christmas season, we are writing letters! We did postcards earlier this year and are graduating up. We are …