Social 30 Cold War Challenge: Soft Power

Hello, Commander.

Soft Power is a new form of power the United States–and to a lesser degree, the Soviet Union–is exerting through this Cold War. Our members may be won over with displays of athleticism, scientific prowess, or cultural supremacy yet. Soft Power is one way into our…hearts. Combined with propaganda, Soft Power is a game changer, both in periods of heightened tension and detente.

Read about it and take notes (on a shared Google Slide, Padlet, or similar) from the following sources:

Soft Power in a Cold War: Challenges of Reaching out to the Soviets

Soft Power

Think Again: Soft Power

One arena in which Soft Power was exercised was through chess.

Read about it here.

Here’s a period piece about another chess era in the Cold War.

Your challenge is to solve the following chess puzzles, seeking a checkmate in as few moves as possible. Each successful solution will add 1 pt to your total…though both teams can earn the points!


Mr. McIntosh

Teacher - Humanities

In a typical year I teach a range of courses from elementary to high school. I am our school's Social Studies specialist, teaching high school social, as well as a member of the PE team.

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