Khoor, Frppdqghu.
Brxu fkdoohqjh wrgdb lv wr eh yhub…revhuydqw. D qxpehu ri jxhvwv zloo eh hqwhulqj dqg halwlqj wkh fodvv wrgdb. Lw lv lpshudwlyh brx ghwhuplqh hyhubwklqj brx fdq derxw wkhp. Rqh ri wkhp pdb eh d vsb.
Jrrg oxfn.
Your task today is to research Senator Joe McCarthy, the House Un-American Activities Committee, and the Second Red Scare of the United States.
Take notes. Consider how you may use this information in your debate.
This school has some links available to begin your research if you’re stumped.
CL has recommended this video (I HAVE NOT WATCHED IT).