Social 20: Practice MC Questions for RI3

As a reminder, your RI3 exam will take place on January 16, 2017.

It deals with a range of items including motives for international involvement, the foreign policy toolbox, Canada as a middle power, future visions of Canada (ie. Fortress North America, North American Union), international issues, international organizations, and some basic psychology (Maslow’s Hierarchy).

These 7 MC questions are exempted questions–that is to say, they’re no longer in my exam bank–but I figured you may enjoy them as a reminder of the types of questions you’re asked. Via Rockyview School Division.

Attached: Unit 3 Practice Source based questions

Mr. McIntosh

Teacher - Humanities

In a typical year I teach a range of courses from elementary to high school. I am our school's Social Studies specialist, teaching high school social, as well as a member of the PE team.

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