Here are the first several PowerPoints we utilized. Social30IdeologyIntroPlusMusic (Do not do the music assignment ̵…
Social 30
Social 30: Civilization Exercise
In our early discussions on ideology you’ve seen that there are a number of beliefs and values that conflict. Is o…
Welcome to the 2018/19 School Year
Welcome back to Bashaw School for the 2018/19 School Year! I’m excited to be back for my fourth year here! For man…
Social 30: North Korea Peace Summits
Trump and Kim Jong-un have recently met in Singapore for a peace summit. Research it via Internet Search and answer the …
Social 30: Diploma Review
Hello, all. As we are running numerous review sessions I expect many of you will attend. If you can’t, however, th…
Social 30: Cold War Source Analysis
This will serve as the basis of your essay work today: You must complete a SEE-I on each of the following 10 sources, th…
Social 30: Famous Five Handouts
It’s been a long time since you learned about the Famous Five, so here are some accompanying handouts (from grade …
Social 30: Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement
The Cold War is not just about foreign policy. The domestic policy of the United States, in particular, was shifting in …
Social 30: PfFduwkblvp dqg Grphvwlf Srolfb
Khoor, Frppdqghu. Brxu fkdoohqjh wrgdb lv wr eh yhub…revhuydqw. D qxpehu ri jxhvwv zloo eh hqwhulqj dqg halwlqj wk…