HS PE: Overdue Reminders

We’ve had a number of deadlines come and go in the online environment but they’ve been scattered. Here, I’ve aggregated them for you, so you can see what you may have missed.

  1. Log Books — one for each week you’re online (two so far for 11/12 students, one for the 10s) due each Monday. The next is due this coming Mondays.
  2. Created Dance — this was due last Friday and is now overdue.
  3. WFH Stretching — this was due last Wednesday and is now overdue.
  4. Essential Skills Demonstration — this was due yesterday and is now overdue.
  5. Fitness Video Demos — this is due tomorrow.
  6. Snow Bingo — this is due Monday.
Mr. McIntosh

Teacher - Humanities

In a typical year I teach a range of courses from elementary to high school. I am our school's Social Studies specialist, teaching high school social, as well as a member of the PE team.

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