Social 20: WWI Interactive


You must interact with  the following components of the feature:

  1. Origins       3. Empires    6. Endings

Additionally, interact with at least one other segment of the interactive.

NOTE: The watch features (using the PLAY BUTTON) likely do not work any longer. However work through the interactives.

VIDEOS from each chapter (YouTube copy):

Chapter one ►

Chapter two ►

Chapter three ►

Chapter four ►

Chapter five ►

Chapter six ►

Chapter seven ►


1) Summarize some details in ONE segment you interacted with that got your attention most. Comment on why this information was interesting to you.
2) Summarize some details in ANOTHER segment you interacted with that got your attention most. Comment on why this information was interesting to you.
3) Comment on why the creators of the website might have chosen to include this information, and in the form they chose, and how useful the information was to you.

Mr. McIntosh

Teacher - Humanities

In a typical year I teach a range of courses from elementary to high school. I am our school's Social Studies specialist, teaching high school social, as well as a member of the PE team.

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