Social 9: Current Events Issue Summary on Mining the Rockies


Your task is to create a Readers Digest Condensed Review or Issue Summary. Citing sources, you will create a 1-2 page summary of ALL sides of the issue, using quotes, actual facts, and citing your sources–a minimum of 5– along the way. Your Issue Summary needs to be focused around this question: To what extent should environmental safeguards and economic freedom be balanced? Your opinion will be evident throughout your issue summary but must never be stated (as in “I believe”). Evidence from Chapter 9 should be utilized in your response.

Potential evidence:


  1. pg 311 both critical thinking challenges (Inuit)
  2. pg 315 all three critical thinking challenges (Bush, supply/demand)
  3. pg 319 (yellow box) EXTENDED response
Mr. McIntosh

Teacher - Humanities

In a typical year I teach a range of courses from elementary to high school. I am our school's Social Studies specialist, teaching high school social, as well as a member of the PE team.

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