Sports Performance: Group Fitness & LTAD

Gr 10:

Create a summary of group fitness — when did group training start? When did it become popular & what made it popular? Who is likely to participate in group fitness? What were some trends in group fitness that were popular in the past (fads)? What are some group fitness trends today and will they last?

Then consider the rise of the following programs: mom and baby fitness groups, older adult fitness classes, and equipment based fitness programs. Tell me everything there is to know about their history as well as current popularity.

Gr 11:

Considering your targeted sport (ie. baseball, volleyball, hockey, etc), analyze how adaptations of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system are SPORT SPECIFICALLYaffected by:
3.5.1 maintenance training
3.5.2 detraining
3.5.3 prolonged inactivity
3.5.4 threshold training

Mr. McIntosh

Teacher - Humanities

In a typical year I teach a range of courses from elementary to high school. I am our school's Social Studies specialist, teaching high school social, as well as a member of the PE team.

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