We’ve learned the SEE-I format for our source analyses. This format serves to build understanding through repetition as you move up the levels of understanding.
1. State the concept or idea in a single sentence or two.
- Clearly and succinctly state the concept.
2. Elaborate on the concept in your own words. Explain it at greater length in a paragraph or two.
- Clarify the concept in your own words. “In other words,. . .”
3. Exemplify the concept by giving concrete examples (and counter examples) of the concept.
- Specify the concept by giving specific examples. “For example, . . .”
4. Illustrate the concept with a picture, diagram, metaphor, or analogy.
- Draw something, find an existing picture, or create a picture-in-words, such as with a metaphor or analogy. “It’s like …”