Which method(s) used in political systems is/are the most important to maintain a dictatorship? Some you can consid…
Social 30
Social 30: Russian Revolution Notes + Definitions
The Russian Revolution Connecting with our understanding of economic systems, the Russian Revolution sets the stage for …
Social 30: Luddites
2023 ONLY: First, complete this QUICK QUIZ on opponents of classical liberalism. Then, access this British Archive inclu…
Social 30: The Wall Street Crash of 1929
You are to create an infographic on the Wall Street Crash. It should include references to the documentary, this episode…
Social 30: Comparing Declarations
Complete the following comparisons: Comparing Declarations Article Comparing Canada and the US (yay) Similarities Declar…
Social 30: Women’s Suffrage
Using assorted references, ideas below, answer the following questions: Why was progress so slow in achieving universal …
Social 30: Indigenous Contributions Quick Quiz
Please complete the following quick quiz. https://forms.gle/VWcLhb2gWazxT8dg8…
Social 30: Intro PowerPoint + Music Assignment
This is our introductory PowerPoint. We made it through the three philosophers. Social30IdeologyIntroPlusMusic…
Social 30: No Bus Day Meet Link
Please access the Google Meet here https://meet.google.com/hre-qomf-jqn…
Social 30: Individualism & Collectivism – Great Law of Peace
ESSENTIAL READING: How the Iroquois Great Law of Peace Shaped U.S. Democracy GreatLawofPeace – read this first Thi…