Social 20: Genocide Museum/Crimes Against Humanity

Your task is in the attached materials.

You will need to do the following prior to beginning:

-Submit a proposal for topics. Top 3 via email. REMEMBER – you must pose a key question or questions you want to address.

-Learn the 8 stages of genocide. 8 Stages of Genocide

-Recap essential terms/definitions from the Rome Statute. *Articles 6-8, 33*

-Review “national interest” and “ultranationalism”

-Examine the countries at risk data. This info will show you modern fears of genocide and often the overlay is where genocide has occurred recently.


Part 1: RI2PerfTask

Part 2: RI2-Perf-Task-Graphic-Organizer

Assigned topics:

  1. Dropping of the Atomic Bombs – TP
  2. USSR/Stalin purge genocide (not Holodomor) – OO
  3. Bosnian Ethnic Cleansing – JS
  4. Indigenous Peoples in New Zealand and Australia –
  5. Ethiopian genocide –
  6. Cambodian genocide – DS
  7. Darfur – CV
  8. Rape of Nanking – KZ
  9. My Lai Massacre – LAR
  10. ISIL genocide against Christians –
  11. Guatemalan genocide –
  12. Haximu massacre –
  13. Genocides under Saddam Hussein –
  14. Rwanda –
  15. Anti-Balaka genocide in Central African Republic –
  16. Apartheid –
  17. Kony in Uganda –
  18. Gbago in the Ivory Coast –
  19. Bangladesh genocide – KB
  20. East Timor genocide – BJ
  21. Indigenous Peoples in NA –
  22. Burundi genocide –
  23. Rohingya in Myanmar –
  24. Mao’s Great Leap Forward – JA
  25. Uyghur genocide – MS
  26. Armenian genocide –
  27. Holocaust (20-2 only) – GD
  28. Holodomor (20-2 only) – DH
Mr. McIntosh

Teacher - Humanities

In a typical year I teach a range of courses from elementary to high school. I am our school's Social Studies specialist, teaching high school social, as well as a member of the PE team.

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