Grade 11s/12s:
Find three core workouts on YouTube or other services. Then, assess the strengths and weaknesses of the workouts, including (but not limited to):
-Consistency with FITT / Overload (do they make these connections clear?)
-use of modifications
-measures (of success)
-personability of instructor(s)
-how effective the exercise targets the core and related motions (ie. rotation, flexion, extension)
-demonstrated safety (proper spotting, safe use of implements/maneuvers, etc)
Grade 10s:
Write a brief description and history of each of the following group fitness activities and include any relevant information on where the program is offered nearby. Consider as well
- demographics of participants
- necessary equipment and facilities
- facilitator training
- effectiveness of meeting participant goals
- Rhythmic based low impact classes
- Kickboxing
- Step Aerobics
- Cardio and Core Style classes
- Aquatics Group Exercise
- Deep Water Aerobics
- Classes based on martial arts
- Boot Camp Style Classes
Grade 9s:
Research a dance based fitness program (ie. Zumba, Hip Hop, DancePlay, Jazzercise) explaining its history, supposed benefits, and potential issues. You will be expected to demonstrate a 2 minute version of your program with your small groups.