Watch the videos as a class on the flipgrid. Chrome Cart D is booked. Complete the activities included in each. At the e…
Sports Performance
Sp Pf: Heart Disease
Your task is to summarize each of the six types of heart disease including the following: Signs and symptoms Causes Diag…
Sport Performance: Vessels Etc
Here are outcomes: You must explain each of these items in a way that makes sense to you. RESOURCE: https://opentextbc.c…
Sr Sports Performance: Heart
In our ongoing drive for excellence, the heart is worth studying. It impacts performance like few other organs. You need…
Sports Performance: Rec 2015 Specific Sport Development
In meeting outcome 3 (inclusive of its sub-outcomes) we need to refer to the Long Term Athlete Development model. As a t…
Sports Performance: Weight Room Informed Consent
With our new weight room being accessible in the coming days it’s important you get your Informed Consent submitte…
Rebel Run: Volunteers
Use this link to sign up for volunteer roles with the 2019 Rebel Run: Town & Country! The race takes place September…
It’s a new school year. DON’T GO PAST HERE LOOKING FOR WORK.…
Sports Performance: Back to Sports Psych & Other Stuff
30s: Your first task is to research James Marcia’s Identity Status Theory and its four stages. Provide a brief summary o…
Sr Sp Pf: Periodization – Strength and Resistance Training
You will use a variety of resources to create a periodization program based on strength and resistance training; effecti…