Grades 11/12 – Finish past REC2045 work. Then create 3 charts (on one document) highlighting the following differences, including benefits and drawbacks of each, in core training:
- isometric versus isotonic exercises (provide a brief definition and examples of each as well)
- free-weight versus machine-weight versus body-weight exercises
- time limit versus sets and repetitions
Grade 9s – complete hydration task
Grade 10s – Visualization/Imagery
Part 1:
Create a visualization routine that you could use to prepare for your sport: ´Where are you? ´What move, shot, pass etc… are you visualizing? Describe what you see!
Part 2:
Describe these specific components within your plan…
- using all of the senses to enhance the imagery experience
- perspective (internal versus external)
- principle of controllability
- principle of vividness

Visualization Pt 1 –
Visualization Pt 2 –
Visualization Pt 3 –